
Forum: Luis Camano

  • Luis Camano

    Co-Founder / IMPER/ACTIVE

Headshot of Luis Camano

Collaborate & Conquer 

In our industry, the word collaboration is used loosely. But true collaborations in the workplace are difficult to execute. Our own egos, preconceptions, and insecurities get in the way and deny us the opportunity to discover new people, different perspectives, and the opportunity to form a solid, successful work team.

Through a series of both individual and team exercises, this workshop will help you open up, learn to listen, and get to know more about you and the people around you.

About Luis:

Luis Camano is a creative director, speaker, professor, mentor, and barista. He believes in the power of sharing experiences, with the purpose of helping younger generations to thrive, and along the way, take our industry to the next level.

He’s conducted workshops at The Cannes Lions Advertising Festival, Miami Ad School, the 4A’s, LMU, and a good number of ad agencies around the globe.

Proudest moment of his career? Seeing the people who’ve worked with/for him become stars in our industry.

He’s also the co-founder of Imper/Active, a marketing agency devoted to helping ONGs, local communities, and private corporations make the world a better place to live.

His love for advertising compares only to his devotion to football (soccer), street art, and coffee.