Amy Robinson

Building and Operations Manager

When Amy Robinson isn’t at the Brandcenter, she’s at the beach. But, if she is at the Brandcenter, it’s probably because she ran out of sunscreen.

As the Building and Operations Manager, Amy handles our scheduling, operations, event coordination, and so. much. more.

The Brandcenter is Amy’s third professional home within the VCU community; when combining it with her time spent in the School of the Arts, the Department of Music, and Undergraduate Admissions, Amy has worked at VCU for twenty years. Before coming to VCU, Amy worked for the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation in their Outreach Education and Development departments.

Her diligence and dedication has earned her recognition around the community. She was nominated as the 2015 Outstanding Staff Member in the School of Business and received the Spot Award for Day-to-Day Excellence in April 2011.

Amy believes that the people at the Brandcenter are what make our school a truly wonderful place to work.