KT Schaeffer

Professor, Creative

When she isn’t helping everyone she knows pick the perfect paint color or rearranging furniture for optimal energy flow at a party, you’ll likely find KT doodling up her next big idea in one of the many journals she’s acquired (ok, hoarded) throughout her lifetime.

For 20+ years, KT has been leveraging her design talent (what she refers to as, “Making Magic”) to create unimagined experiences for global consumer audiences. Her work spans the advertising, retail, and entrepreneurial industries, having spent time at The Martin Agency, Anthropologie, NIKE, and Sugar Paper Los Angeles.

As a student at Virginia Commonwealth University (1995) and the Brandcenter (Art Direction, 2001), KT polished her skills in graphic design and art direction with a side of copywriting and strategic planning. Her focus is to be a creative problem solver, she takes great joy in teaching Brandcenter students how to get out of their own way to see great design, product development, or an environment from a different perspective. KT also serves as Brandcenter Creative Director, managing the program’s brand consistency and pouring her love of design (and the program!) into our annual SIXTY publication and more.