Recruiting Brandcenter Students & Alumni
Recruit Brandcenter Students
Attend Recruiter Session
Be the first to meet our graduating class and view their work at Recruiter Session, held each year in the spring.
Sign up for our Spring 2025 Recruiter Session today!
Be the first to meet our graduating class and view their work this April.
View Our Most Recent Grads’ Portfolios
Visit our Student Portfolios page to meet our most recent graduates.
You can search by concentration—Art Direction, Copywriting, Creative Brand Management, Experience Design, and Strategy—or skills, view their portfolios, and schedule time to meet with them.

Hire an Intern
Brandcenter students often intern with agencies/companies during the summer between their first and second years of the program. Our students are trained in a real-world setting to collaborate and problem-solve across disciplines. By the end of their first year, they are driven and ready to prove themselves in summer internships.
What to know when hiring Brandcenter students for internships
Helpful information and things to consider in hiring a Brandcenter student for internships:
- Our students specialize in one of five concentrations: Art Direction, Copywriting, Creative Brand Management, Experience Design, and Strategy. You can request an intern from whichever concentration matches your needs.
- Timing: Brandcenter interns are available from May to August for an 8- to 10-week period. It’s up to you and your intern(s) to set exact internship dates.
- Compensation: Brandcenter interns are typically paid upwards of $20 an hour to help cover living and travel expenses. This is subject to market, role, and level of experience. Additional support may be helpful if they have to relocate for the role.
- Housing: Students are responsible for their housing. Giving them suggestions on where to look would be great.
Does your company have internship opportunities?
Let us know and we'll share the details with interested students.
Recruiting Brandcenter Alumni
Browse Our Alumni Directory
Visit our alumni directory for a list of all alumni organized by graduation year and concentration.
Share Open Roles with Our Alumni
Looking to hire? Share your job postings with us and we’ll share with our alumni.
Email Ashley Sommardahl with the following:
- The position
- The agency/company and its location
- Application link(s)
- Contact information for the position
Review Our Salary Survey
We conduct a salary survey every two years to track the average salaries of our alumni, promotion experience, job satisfaction, and more.
Join our Recruiters list
Complete this short form to receive information and updates on recruiting Brandcenter students and alumni.