
“This side project was a chance for me to refine my product design skills…”

The VCU Brandcenter has presented me with opportunities from unexpected places.

During my first semester, I was involved in Project Holiday (an assignment in creating consumer engagement through local window displays). Through this experience, we were immersed in client interaction, design, and visual prototyping.

When we presented our initial designs for the windows we created for Project Holiday, Dan Ludwig of the VMFA sat in to give feedback and judge the event.

Shortly after this assignment, Dan contacted me to collaborate on a window display for the VMFA to celebrate black history month.

Working collaboratively with Dan, I created a series of ten unique brownstone houses inspired by Jacob Lawrence’s celebration of urban life. The final installation in the museum includes scale models of brownstones based off various pictures of Harlem city streets.

This side project was a chance for me to refine my product design skills, while sharpening my understanding of operating inside different spaces. I was able to utilize the tools provided to me here as a student to create the body of work. And when it was all finished, I received an email from Dan saying that the final product was better than he could’ve imagined.

These opportunities are what I came to the Brandcenter for.

– Chad Hilton, experience design track, class of 2019