The Brandcenter catapults you into the middle of the galaxy with nothing but an oxygen tank and 99 other clueless space cadets.
On your exhilarating journey back to earth, you will discover the core of what makes you unique. And you will learn to wear it with pride as Samson did his beautiful brunette mane.
But the reward does not come easy. This place will put you through hell. And when you’ve thought you’ve figured it out, it will reveal to you a bookshelf with a secret lever that takes you to the second floor of hell. [Gasp!]
All in all, keep in mind that the VCU Brandcenter is a means to an end. During your two years here, you can master yourself, figure out what you want, and run after it like a (wo)man possessed. But the reality is, the game you’re training for begins after graduation. Keep that in mind.
-Joe Bae, strategy track, class of 2018