
Is there anything funner than this?

henry sitting outside in yellow hat in front of greenery

Henry Coffey (Copywriting, 2025)

If I won the lottery this week, I wouldn’t jet off to Tuscany. I wouldn’t buy a baseball team. I wouldn’t retire to a lake house with a bunch of fire pits and jet skis. 

I would simply head back to Brandcenter for my next class. 

Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but Brandcenter is just that fun.

Mostly this is because of the people. I can’t quite explain it, but the people that end up in the Brandcenter building are my favorite type of people in the world. 

They’re kind, funny, and charismatic. They’re completely brilliant at being stupid. They still have the childlike imaginations that most of us misplace when we enter adulthood.

For two years, I get to make stuff with these people. We have the opportunity to create everything from advertising campaigns to short films to real small businesses. 

We get to work with world-class creatives who push us to make everything simpler, more entertaining, and more strategic. It’s the funnest kind of challenge.

Brandcenter is also intense. We make a head-spinning amount of work in our two years here. And the work in school is accompanied by the sacrifices required to create this window of time in our lives.

Those sacrifices made me uncertain about attending Brandcenter. I worried about uprooting my life to move to the middle of Virginia. I worried about leaving a full-time job. Would the opportunities on the other side justify the huge commitment?

As it turned out, my experience at Brandcenter alone was worth the sacrifice — to say nothing of the friendships I’ve made and the opportunities that await after graduation. 

And when you sit for hours with your classmates, cracking jokes, trying to think up the next great idea — you’ll understand what I’m saying. This is a lottery winner’s activity. 

If you had the choice of doing anything in the world, wouldn’t you just want to make things with your friends?