
“A panic ensued as no one could get a freelancer in so late.”

Wayne and Scott,

Just wanted to thank you guys for teaching VST and editing so effectively.

Here’s why your class and skills are so damn important:

BBH LA is pitching to Lamborghini today. Late last night there was a need for an editor. A panic ensued as no one could get a freelancer in so late.

I said, “I can probably do it.” Several hours later I was sitting in the editing bay with Pelle (Global CCO) finishing the edit. As we left in the early AM Pelle came to me and said,”Is there anything you can’t do? You’re a hero.”

This praise and opportunity would not have been possible without you guys teaching me those skills, I cannot thank you enough. It is a testament to the quality of faculty and education at the Brandcenter.

I owe you guys big time.

I hope all has been well. I may be back in Richmond to visit in a month or so, hopefully we can have a drink.

Cheers, Devin

-Devin Altman, Jr. Copywriter at BBH LA, VCU Brandcenter copywriting track, class of 2016