
From the Creative Circus to the Brandcenter

Lanie Vorwerk (Art Direction, 2023)

My time at the Creative Circus was magical; it was where I first fell in love with advertising. I got to work in a very intimate environment with a lot of really talented creatives who helped shape my initial creative thinking process. I think my whole life I had been searching for a creative outlet—like advertising—and then I finally found it through the Creative Circus. When we were told that the Creative Circus was closing, it felt as if the world was ending. When VCU Brandcenter announced that they were allowing us to transfer, it was the biggest blessing that I could have asked for. My experience beginning at the Creative Circus and ending at VCU Brandcenter is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Getting to see how these very accomplished creatives teach in different ways and challenge us to think outside the norm at both the Brandcenter and the Creative Circus has been a very wild ride.

The Brandcenter has pushed me more than I have ever been pushed in my entire life. The environment is full and alive. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity that the Creative Circus students have gotten to become a part of this program with so many talented and driven individuals. One of the most interesting aspects of the creative industry is our different backgrounds; we experience the world differently and are able to apply our own diversity and creativity into each and every piece of work. So, entering this new environment has opened many doors, not only for the Circus transfers, but also for the Brandcenter students. It has provided the opportunity for us to come together as a new group of people who will help encourage and challenge each other to think differently, harder, and longer about our work. 

The Brandcenter is a special place. Every single person at this school has their own unique way of looking at any problem or idea. They think smart and analytically—specifically by their ability to provide evidence to support every aspect of their work. It’s energizing to be around so many different really creative ideas. It’s amazing to see outstanding student work, along with learning from successful alumni during their weekly presentations. Within this group, I see so many different paths to success. I cannot wait to see what each and every one of us accomplishes in the real world.

At the end of the day, we are all trying to produce the most creative and interesting work. The more people who care deeply about their work, the greater the push for everyone to do their absolute best with each project that is assigned. I would like to personally thank the Brandcenter for believing in us and allowing us to join this amazing program. Your belief in these 10 students has impacted our lives in such a great way, and I hope we have been able to share some Circus magic with the Brandcenter and with Richmond.